Sound Track
Songster Records "Where The Music Becomes You"
Songster Records is currently accepting demos from unsigned, unknown independent artists from over 40 countries. Of the demos submitted, the top 10 unknown, unsigned independent comedians, and the top 150 unknown, unsigned independent musicians will be selected to fill 16 of Our genres as well as Our various Top Count Down Charts. Don't miss out!
Many will submit their demo(s) to Us, however, only a precious few will be selected. Be one of the 160 chosen few from over 40 countries to become a Songster Recording Artist. Submit your demo right here, right now for your chance to become the next sensation to take the world by storm.
Many will submit their demo(s) to Us, however, only a precious few will be selected. Be one of the 160 chosen few from over 40 countries to become a Songster Recording Artist. Submit your demo right here, right now for your chance to become the next sensation to take the world by storm.