Songster Records "Where The Music Becomes You"
What Is A SongsterThe Definition of A Songster Songster as defined by Songster Records - Back in mid-evil times a singer or a poet was referred to as a "Songster". In today's age the genre of rap / hip hop is considered by many to be a form of modern poetry. Songster Records is accepting demos from unknown independent artists from over 40 countries. Of the demos submitted, the top 10 unknown independent comedians and the top 150 unknown independent musical artists will be chosen as Songster Recording Artists to fill 16 of our genres. Songster Records will copyright, publish, and distribute to over 100 countries via our proprietary digital download system digital audio files in .mp3, .m4a and .wma of the 160 chosen Songster Recording Artists. Are you ready to put your pre-recorded song into Songster Records? Hence the name "Where The Music Becomes You" Songster Records Gift Certificates