Songster Records "Where The Music Becomes You"
Country Music AlbumsCountry Music as defined by is a genre of popular music originating in Southern United States of America in the early 1920's. Country Music as we know it today is a blend of Western and Folk music from the Southeastern States. Country Music is normally comprised of string instrument accompaniment brought together usually composed of rudimentary scales to create melodies for dancing and ballads. Country music normally delivers a story in much the same way that Blues music does. In fact, since the inception of Country Music, it has often been deeply influenced by the Blues. is currently scouting in over 100 countries for Country demos from ten unknown, unsigned independent Country Music artists to fill our Country Music genre. Songster Records Country Music Albums; here you will soon be able to sample for FREE MP 3 music and purchase for instant download 10 Country songs from one of our Country Music independent artist's in CD quality digital files containing as follows: 10 .m4a digital audio file (iTunes, iPhones, iPod Touch and DSI), 10 .mp3 digital audio file (All MP 3 Players) and 10 .wma digital audio file (Windows Media Audio) all encoded in an album format for a low price of ONLY $10.00.
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