Songster Records "Where The Music Becomes You"
Singles3 CD Quality Music Files
1x .mp3, 1x .m4a + 1x .wma For ONLY $2.00 |
Records15 CD Quality Music Files
5x .mp3, 5x .m4a + 5x .wma For ONLY $7.50 |
Albums30 CD Quality Music Files
10x .mp3, 10x .m4a + 10x .wma For ONLY $10.00 |
Hip Hop / Rap SinglesHip Hop / Rap as defined by is also know as: Hip Hop music, Hip-Hop music and Rap music. Hip Hop / Rap is a rhythmic style of singing almost chanting lyrics which rhyme and have a very smooth flow. The Hip Hop / Rap genre as we know it today, got it's humble origins in the early 80's from a mixture of break dancing, DJing / Scratching Vinyl , Graffiti Writing / Tagging and MCing / Spitting Lyrics. is currently scouting in over 100 countries for Hip Hop / Rap demos from ten unknown, unsigned independent artists to fill our Hip Hop / Rap genre. Songster Records Hip Hop / Rap Singles. Here you will soon be able to sample for FREE MP 3 music and purchase for instant download one Hip Hop / Rap song from the same Hip Hop / Rap independent artist's in CD quality digital files containing as follows: One .m4a digital audio files (iTunes, iPhones, iPod Touch and DSI), One .mp3 digital audio files (All MP 3 Players) and One .wma digital audio files (Windows Media Audio) all encoded in single format for a low price of ONLY $2.00.
Songster Records Gift Certificates