Songster Records "Where The Music Becomes You"
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Albums30 CD Quality Music Files For
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Jazz Albums
Jazz as defined by is a genre of music which can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century, sponning from a rich mixture of European and African music blended together in New Orleans, Louisiana, America. Jazz music has a sturdy yet pliable rhythmic structure which allows for both ensemble and solo improvosation on verious cord patterns and basic tunes. As Jazz grew in popularity throughout the world, it evolved by adopting and adapting to many different nations musical styles; as a result Jazz now has many subcultures. is currently scouting in over 100 countries for Jazz demos from ten unknown, unsigned independent Jazz artists to fill our Jazz genre. Songster Records Jazz Albums, here you will soon be able to sample for FREE MP 3 music and purchase for instant download 10 Jazz songs from the same Jazz independent artist in CD quality digital files containing as follows: 10 .m4a digital audio files (iTunes, iPhones, iPod Touch and DSI), 10 .mp3 digital audio files (All MP 3 Players) and 10 .wma digital audio file (Windows Media Audio) all encoded in an album format for a low price of ONLY $10.00.
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